Testimonials for


Coaching and Training Center

We are proud to share the testimonials of individuals and organizations who have experienced the transformative power of DZ-LUX SA and Dziyana Shkot (Founder&CEO) and the impact we are making through our organization.

Their stories reflect the positive impact of coaching and the valuable support they have received through our community.

what people say about our work?

At DZ-LUX, we’re not just a training center; 
we’re a transformative force, guide, and partner. 
Here’s why we stand out:

Isabelle Chen

Businesswoman, Founder of Bella Bakes


Co-founder of UrbanArt Creations


Sole intrepreneuer


Business owner

…grew my business too times…



Here is the feedback:


Testimonials are the echoes of success stories, while feedback is the compass that directs our coaching journey.

Embracing both allows us to navigate the complex waters of personal and professional development with grace and effectiveness.